Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps

Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps

Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps are innovative recycled products that offer a sustainable solution for managing mixed plastic waste. These granules/lumps are produced through advanced recycling processes that transform various types of plastic waste, including PET, PVC, PP, and more, into versatile raw materials suitable for a wide range of applications.

Our recycling process of Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps

  1. Collection and Sorting: Mixed plastic waste is collected from various sources such as households, businesses, and industries. It undergoes thorough sorting to separate different types of plastics based on their chemical composition and physical properties.

  2. Cleaning and Shredding: The sorted plastic waste is then cleaned to remove any contaminants such as dirt, labels, and residues. After cleaning, the plastics are shredded into smaller pieces to facilitate further processing.

  3. Melting and Extrusion: The shredded plastic pieces are melted down and extruded into long strands or pellets. During this process, additives may be incorporated to enhance the properties of the recycled material.

  4. Granulation or Lump Formation: The molten plastic is then formed into granules or lumps using specialized equipment. These granules/lumps are cooled and solidified, ready to be used as raw materials in manufacturing.

Properties of Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps available with us

  1. Versatility: Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps exhibit versatile properties that make them suitable for a wide range of applications across industries. They can be molded, extruded, or formed into various shapes and sizes to meet specific manufacturing requirements.

  2. Durability: Despite being recycled, Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps retain their durability and strength, making them suitable for demanding applications in packaging, construction, and consumer goods.

  3. Chemical Resistance: These granules/lumps exhibit excellent chemical resistance, making them ideal for applications where exposure to harsh chemicals or environmental conditions is a concern.

  4. Sustainability: By utilizing recycled materials, Mixed Plastic Granules/Lumps contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing the demand for virgin plastics and diverting plastic waste from landfills.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Incorporating recycled materials into manufacturing processes can lead to cost savings for businesses while also demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.